Forehead Lift

We'll make you smile
A forehead lift is a facial surgery used to achieve a more youthful and refreshed look to the area around the eyes.
The procedure is designed to correct drooping brows and to enhance the horizontal lines and furrows that give a person an “angry” appearance.
Forehead lift treatment is performed at our state-of-the-art facility by a team of renowned plastic surgeons who combine patient centred philosophy with artistic skills to help you achieve the youthful look you desire.
Good candidates for forehead lift are individuals who have one of the following:
Deep furrows between the eyes
Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
Sagging brows
Tissue that sags at the outer part of the eyelids
Forehead Lift Procedure
Your plastic surgeon will make small incisions along the hairline to reposition the brow, smooth the forehead, raise the upper eyelids and minimize frown lines.
The procedure takes two to three hours under light general anaesthesia; allowing you to return home the same day. Forehead lift is considered one of the most convenient and least invasive cosmetic treatments.
General Risks of Forehead Lift
Unfavourable Scarring
Poor wound healing
Anaesthesia risks
Blood clots
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to recover from Forehead Lift?
The recovery process is gradual. You may have to wait several weeks to be able to see the final results of Forehead Lift surgery.
Will my incisions from Forehead Lift be visible?
The surgical technique used in Forehead Lift will be made inconspicuously on the scalp, which will be invisible to those around you.
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